
Nuestro Equipo

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Nelly Del Arbo

When Nelly got borred selling drugs (legal ones), she found her passion for photography. After breaking her camera and all the lenses, she started painting.

When Nelly is not working in the Gallery, doing photography or painting, Nelly is painting, doing photography or working in the Gallery.

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Inge Buland

After more than 20 years as a lawyer, Inge started painting in 2019 and to defend his case he opened a Gallery. And he liked it so much that he opened a bigger one. Like 3 times bigger!

When he is not painting or practicing law, Inge is bringing home Golf titles.

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Ian Velinski
Web Designer

Ian is a rookie Software Developer who inspires to become Full-Stack nerd. He is the only one here that does not paint, but he enjoys exact science subjects and beleives that Geometry is also art ! He recently picked up the reins and started building web sites, and digital signage software.


Av de l'Albir, 155, Local 13, 03581 l'Alfàs del Pi, Alicante
Horario: Lunes - Sabado 11:00 – 18:00
Telèfono: +34 966 58 04 12